#代购商品一律不包邮哦 ⚠️⚠️
私推荐青稚沐野香氛系列护手霜 🍃🍃
花之物语 · 感受自然的美
温柔清香 、质地超细腻柔软易吸收 完完全全不担心会黏 🩷🩷 #一颗颗小巧盒装 不占包包空间 ✨
香味 : 花香蝶影 // 绿野迷踪 // 秘境幽兰 // 洋甘菊
Filling the air with sweet scent, people may touch the fresh and vitality of nature, the light fragrance strikes, which is like a gentle feath-er, slowly touched the heart, bringing endless comfort and ease. It's like being in a dream garden and enjoying the wonderful time.